Home Com-forsa Team Tarot in the new Com-Forsa pendants

Tarot in the new Com-Forsa pendants

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What are tarot cards? Let’s find out with the new collection of Com-forsa pendants and accessories.

Some think they read the future, others think they are a simple game, a simple pack of cards, in reality the tarot for those who believe in it are much more…

They are symbolism, numerology, icons that speak through symbols.

Gypsies were the first to use these cards as a true divination tool.

What is the true purpose of the Tarot? To allow us to see the evolution of the Soul through its symbology.

A mixture of figures (humans, animals, natural elements, creatures, entities) give life to these beautiful cards known as Tarot.

But now we see together how we have turned these famous cards into precious silver jewellery to always carry with us 👇.

Sterling silver 925 Fortune tarot pendant 14x20mm

Luck? A mainly positive card, in fact, it indicates change, which is always a fruitful opportunity for those who know how to take advantage of it.

The lucky pendant shown in this photo can be purchased by clicking here.

Available in sterling silver 925.

Sterling silver 925 The Sun tarot pendant 14x20mm

The pendant of happiness? The Tarot of the Sun.

The Sun is a positive card. Rays that indicate victory and success are a source of positive energy, which leads to harmony and brings only good things.

The Sun, therefore, brings wealth, gives life and brings happiness. BUY HERE.

Sterling silver 925 The Lovers tarot pendant 14x20mm

What is the significance of this role in the Tarot? THE CHOICE.

A card tied to every encounter that bears fruit, to every choice made through Love.

This pendant is truly amazing not only for what it represents but also for the way it is graphically interpreted.

Don’t let it slip away. Available in sterling silver 925.

Sterling silver 925 The Force tarot pendant 14x20mm

The strength of the lion is represented by this pendant available in sterling silver 925.

Sterling silver 925 The Magician tarot pendant 14x20mm

Anecdote about the role of the magician 👇

The magician’s card is combined with the planet Mercury and represents a mental, magical and extremely accentuated power.

This pendant is also available in sterling silver 925!

Sterling silver 925 The Moon tarot pendant 14x20mm

One of the most controversial tarot cards in the deck. It represents illusion and night.

It tells us to look beyond the appearance of things, because not everything appears as it seems at first glance.

A mysterious letter to help us reflect, buy your pendant here.

This collection is not over… We’ve waited a little while to show you this TAROT collection but I assure you it will have been worth it 👇

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