Home Com-forsa Team New Catalog 2012/2013

New Catalog 2012/2013

by admin

Last week during  the celebration of Iberjoya´s fair, we launching our new catalog of Com-forsa 2012/2013.

With this new edition, the professional can learn quickly all our products. We have kept the same format as last time, encompassing in the same catalog all the products we sell (this catalog replaces all previously published).

As you know our goal is to improve every day, so this year we published our catalog in two languages ​​(Spanish and English), so we can also reach all our foreign clients.

As in the previous edition you will not find the prices in the catalog, this is for the raw material evolution makes our prices oscillate. We want this catalog last all the year so we have not included prices.

With your costumer key you can enter in the web site and have prices in the application “quick order” that lets you check all products and prices that  you are interested.

If you still do not have a copy of this new edition, please contact us and we will deliver you. Meanwhile you can download an electronic version by clicking here.

Hope you like it.


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