Home News Inhorgenta 2013, Com-forsa the only Spanish exhibitor of silver findings

Inhorgenta 2013, Com-forsa the only Spanish exhibitor of silver findings

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From 22nd to 25th Februay 2013 we had the chance to exhibit for the first time in Muchich in the most important jewellery show in Germany.

The result was excellent since we could meet in person some of your more faithful clients who are used to buy in our website and a lot of clients had the possibility of knowing our products. Clients from Austria, Belgium, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, Italy, Morocco and of course, from Germany.

We also presented our georeferenced website for the german and Austrian public www.com-forsa.de, that join our websites for French(www.com-forsa.fr) and British clients (www.com-forsa.co.uk).

We also created closer ties with the Spanish community, some adverturers who exhibed for the first time and some others who are experencied that for some years. People like Itchydo, Ardentia, Silvereira or Joclac (Claudia, you are charming)…


Here we show you a collage we made of our stand. Thanks a lot Nieves and Javi, two of our clients that helped us a lot to build our stand, they were our Guardian Angels! And of course, we can’t forget our dear client and “german” friend Eduardo who was our host.

As we said before, thank you, very very much to all of  you.

Kind regards,

Com-forsa team

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