Home Com-forsa Team Don’t miss out all the changes we’ve made in our website

Don’t miss out all the changes we’ve made in our website

by admin

Psst! Did you check them out?

If you did, that was just a sneak peak of what is coming 😉 But if you haven’t yet, no worries here you go!

Let me introduce our new “Homepage” more dynamic, intuitive and joyful.

Now you can have an easier and faster access to all of our most-visited categories and novelties.

If you don’t want to miss any of our publications you can access to our blog with a simple click instead of looking around the whole page!

We are sure you still didn’t know we have a made-to-order service or that you accumulate loyalty points with every purchase you place and that will allow you to get discounts. Well, now you do have all this info at a glance.

Just place your mouse over one of your categories and you’ll see part of the menu and the drawings of our latest designs, and that is actually how they look right before they turn into a silver piece 😉

And if you liked these changes, we are certain you will love what is next…because aren’t you tired of wondering from which quantity on you would get a better discount?

From now on, every time you have this in mind, you just have to click on the product you are interested in and click on “consult”.

In this way, if you need to know the price for 2000 scrolls, you know that’s the price of the last rate. But what if you need the price for 7000? Writing down the number of the reference to send an email later is no necessary anymore, just click on “consult” and you will be automatically redirected to a new page.

Don’t miss out all the changes we’ve made in our website

There, you would only need to fill up your contact details and the quantity you are interested in. We will get an email with your application and we will contact you back by email or telephone with our best price.

Do you like all these changes? Sure you do, and you’ll still don’t know all the things we are going to change to make your purchase as simple and easy as possible.



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