Home Com-forsa Team Changes in our website you are gonna have a crush on 😍

Changes in our website you are gonna have a crush on 😍

by admin

Changes in our website you are gonna have a crush on😍


I told you we were going to keep on improving our website to make it nicer, useful and most of all much easier for you to place orders.

Among all these changes I bring today, there’s one that is driving all the office crazy, and we can’t wait you to see it today at 12:00.

If you are already our follower in Facebook or Instagram, we’re sure you already notice, but if you don’t, please click and give us a like J

Before Easter break, I told you that we would have many NEWS once returned from vacation,

but not only news concerning our products, but also in the way we tell them to you.

From now on, everytime you see this window, get jiggy with it because that means that really cute and nice things are about to come!!

Now you know why we were so excited to tell you. Remember! Tomorrow at 12:00 starts the countdown to  our new launch


But wait, there’s even more to tell, more changes in our website you’re gonna love.

Did you notice that we were closed during Easter?

You know for sure what I’m talking about, right?

Well yes, we now have a new pop-up window to give you more information. Sometimes it will be about some day off, another time like the one we have now to ask your for your email to get our offers and news and other times it will simply not be there, because the last thing we want is to stress you out 😉

Btw, they will only appear once, both if you log in or not, they won’t appear unless you close and oppen your browser.

I have to admit, that we all those things we are busy with, sometimes we forget to put ourselfs in your shoes to see how many difficulties you find everytime you visit our website.

That’s why we have created this new section in which we answer all those questions you ask on Facebook, by email, chat…

For example, if you don’t know us from a long time, you are still wondering if you need to place an order over 50€ everytime you buy with us, right?

Well, don’t worry, that requisite is just for the first purchase.

Changes in our website you are gonna have a crush on

Have a look and don’t hesitate to read all of them, I’m sure they’re gonna answer all your doubts about shopping in our website.

Ah, and if there’s some we have not mention, write us at soporte@com-forsa.com and we will add it!

Did you like all these changes? Told ya! Changes you are gonna have a crash with.



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